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Texas 42 or "42" is a trick taking domino game similar to the card game spades. This C++ software is a version of the game for standalone or network play. We also offer compatibility [as a network guest] with Curtis Cameron's Win42 software for Windows. Currently, Win42 guest mode works pretty well, and standalone play is in an alpha stage. A general network mode is coming soon. We will probably also support the Win42 lobby.

Obtaining the Source
The best way to get the source is to download the latest realease from the our SourceForge download page.

But, if you want the state of the art in our 42 technology, and you don't mind sacrificing stability or perhaps even the ability to build the software, you can perform an anonymous checkout of the code by doing the following:

export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/texas42
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs co texas42

Use qmake to create the Makefile from the Texas42.pro project description file:

qmake -o Makefile Texas42.pro
Then simpy make to generate the dynamically linked texas42 binary

Using the Program with Win42
To use as a client for a Win42 hosted game follow these instructions:

  1. Start texas42, and choose Game -> New from the menu bar. It will now be listing for a connection from the host.
  2. Start Win42 on the Windows machine and choose Options -> Start Network Game -> as host from the menu bar.
  3. In the "Players" dialog choose the Texas42 machine as one of the players.
  4. Start a new game in Win42, and you should see the dominoes appear and be ready to play in the Texas42 application.


There exists another client called Tk42 written by Christopher Mobley. Christopher's correspondence with Curtis Cameron and Curtis' gracious explanation of the Win42 protocol helped to make this game possible.